Bondage machines (including horse chair) : train a fapet's into a mindbroken pet. It raises the Break gauge (depending on player's level it might not be seen yet, it's located in fapet's stats via X) per each climax. Beware that it consumes extra essence and affection.
I recommend breaking at least 1 fapet to see the Broken state, then you can decide if you'd want more of these.
More info on this can be found in [TAB] Book > Help > Bondage Machines , or as visual help in [Esc] Pause menu > Options > Help
so i played this game a while back and haven't touched it since but while cleaning up the list of games I've played, ended up back here and thought i might add what i remember, assuming the game isn't already dead.
the tutorials were long and complicated and were thrown at the player non-stop making it not very fun to go through and very hard to absorb before something else is thrown at them. maybe look at a way to simplify it? by the end of it i had already forgotten bits and pieces. IMPORTANT bits and pieces.
i also remember taming the rabbit gave me trouble because i kept leading it to the wrong pen. the pen wasn't very clearly indicated either through text or visual graphics, so i just kept leading it to the closest pen, which apparently was not where it needed to go to trigger what needed to be triggered (i believe this got mentioned in a previous post)
not sure if there is a manual of sorts in the game for people who decide to give the game another try after a long time away, but if not, that would be an appreciated future addition.
there was also a lack of content to keep my attention after the tutorial ended.
it has potential and maybe if it gets cleaned and polished a little more and the things i mentioned are taken care of, i'd be willing to give it another whirl. but until then, its more of a hassle than an enjoyable game from what i remember
"not sure if there is a manual of sorts in the game for people who decide to give the game another try after a long time away" - there are several :
1. [Tab] Book > 'Help' section : describes all game's features, controls and most of required stuff.
2. [Tab] Book > 'Fapestiary' section : describes taming procedures for each fapet (of the ones learned / found recipes), along with a video example
3. [Esc] Pause menu > Options > Help : visual tutorials of game features and controls (most of the content from 1. is covered here)
"taming the rabbit gave me trouble because i kept leading it to the wrong pen" : you mean in the tutorial (Black tamer's barn) ? or afterwards ?
"there was also a lack of content to keep my attention after the tutorial ended" : i'm assuming you finished the 'Black's Barn chapter', after which there was no lead on where to go and what to do. In these cases i recommend using Book (Tab key) , then select the current active quest to see where you must go next (a big blue beam will appear pointing the way, also Nishy will turn that way). In case you switched to free mode, i recommend finishing the start quests to unlock more features, search for recipes and tame various fapets, level up the barn and check the special events (last week of in-game month).
That intro and tutorial is not a good look. I truly wanted to play that game but so much is janky in just the beginning :
During the cave I just did not understand what I had to do. They only tell you about the F2 button after you passed it so I have to watch so many interactions for so long (how many times must I watch being fucked by a goblin before you tell me F2 speed up the interactions ?).
The wall in the cave oh my god. Once I took a path where I got stuck in a full closed room. Passed through wall that put me under the map, everytime it respawned me at the limit of the wall and would fall again and again and again. Had to reload quite some time, and now more and more goblin interactions.
I changed the control for my keyboard configuration before launching the game (azerty keyboard and not qwerty) and while changing the key it broke the press Q (A in my case) while holding an object. Was stuck taming those bunny and could not understand why it did not worked
I failed to tame the bunny twice because I did it in front of black (not a suitable location) and right in the fucking middle of the ranch in the middle enclosure (not a suitable location) and it just fell asleep there. Not knowing what to do I just go to sleep to start anew the next day. Big mistake. Still have to tame a bunny but there is no more carrot behind the shack. How am I supposed to tame the bunny now ?
And all of that just so I can unlock free play and struggle on my own and get to it ? fuck that.
I will agree that maybe I just suck but I'm around 2h playing around and I'm not liking what I experienced and am not ready to start from the beginning again. Will maybe be come back to it in a later date (hopefully more polished) but damn that was not enjoyable.
Hello, i apologize for the bad experience with the game.
I will try to polish the first chapters based on your feedback (probably limit the player's choices so that he would be navigated to the correct direction/choice ). I don't think that i can adapt azerty keyboard (too many things are hardcoded with direct inputs), yet i'll notify the players. Sorry, but i'm not sure that free mode will be of much help (it has no tutorials, and is best experienced after learning the mechanics step by step in story mode) since the player has to learn that tamings require stamina and a taming spot nearby + extra items.
I could recommend watching some game walkthru's (you can find them above comments), they might prove of some help.
For me it work really well just put a warning maybe that tell people to look a the key bind in th help section also can you put more of beacon tame thing because there s some place where you are really slow and the beacon is really far
Thanks for the answer and for the consideration. I'm aware the game is still being built and it's quite early in it's existence and polish might not be the priority against content, and the fact my computer is a dying and rotting potato must not have help being able to go through wall. but I was truly frustrated. I will come back to try it later !
For the keybind I can kinda understand it's a pain in the ass, it's not as if ther is just qwerty or azerty. Central european use Qwertz for example.
Well i did plan on fapet fusion, altough for ranking them up (2 legs walk) and making them more adult (size of TC / Black). The futa thing is supposedly rare and searched for, yet i'll consider the idea (maybe for free mode, since story and lore can be bended in there).
"benection/curse by the priestess" : nice, i'll keep that in mind, it'll come in handy (Lvl 1 simple magic cast, Lvl 2 Lewd cast , Lvl 3 Crotch lick or liquids drink) ;)
Free Mode is unlocked after finishing the the tutorial chapter (to make sure that the player knows the base mechanics of this game : taming, hacts, interacts, sleep, items and quick slots, chests .. ).
Hello Nymphokyun, have you thought about creating a server discord? Currently the only way to stay up to date with the games is your website and comments/forums like this.
It would be a great way to stay up to date with everything and a good place to have information about your games (like how to get certain h-acts in SlaveBar, etc)
Hello, thank you for the suggestion. I have attempted several times to start one, yet never got the time to finish the setup and things for that.
I'll try to start one with the next game's release, and hopefully the community will guide me on how to do things right in there T^T (never really used Discord, so i've got little experience on the subject).
I just wanted to say this is one of the best H-game I've ever played, and there is no other breeding game that comes close to how good this is.
I understand you are working on a few side projects, but I can't wait to see new Episode 1 content and I'm very excited to see how Episode 2 will look when it comes out, especially with how well your animations and everything have improved over time.
The only downsize about SlaveBar is always wanting more.
Small suggestion for Episode 2: Small change to spawn of the fappets with a unique version. Such as a bunny with rainbow hair or a Kelpie with a different cock
(And the fact that there's no list of possible scene combinations to be found during Free Mode. I know there are forums that have a rough list of scenes, but most of the times these lists are incomplete)
I agree with unique versions but for event in free mode. the fapets could have a unique thing in the event that make you want to tame them (color, costume, or other physical change like Mrbear said).
Big thank you for the kind words (seeing bad reviews on other sites kind of dims the desire to continue working on any project, yet these are quite inspirational T^T ).
The side games are meant as somewhat of a side stories (Kingdom Hearts like..well kind of), hopefully enriching the SB universe.
"fapets with a unique version" : as @CrowNoRi pointed out, these are most likely be in special events or time-location limited to get a more rare sensation. There are some different bunnies in winter/xmas area (bright colored hair + light shimmers come from their hair), yet they have a rare drop/spawn. Btw, 'the rainbow hair bunny' did you had in mind the 2 young bunnies from the Bunny lair (story) ?
P.S.: Feel free to rate the game (if it still hasn't been done yet) and recommend to others ^.^
To be honest I haven't played the story mode in years, I recently came back to see how the updating has been going. I just came up with random ideas for different types of fapets xD
Also went ahead and rated SlaveBar 5 stars, I appreciate the reply!
Love your work and hope to see Episode 2 sometime soon :))
we can harvest thing with them, like with the cat woman, she can catch fish in river or something else. if you have think about making a garden we can use rabbit or others fapets for their favorite (they produce only what they like: rabbit = carrot ) and maybe if you implant a monkey or with tall fapets or powerful fapets harvest things from tree.
The auto harvesters sounds interesting, however in current context the fapets would consume/eat their favorite food (being the main idea about the taming part, that they ignore any threat instinct because of this). Maybe some other resources or just making money. Keep in mind that they supposedly have a low level of intellect, close to animals.
I was thinking about using them in a personal Toilet section of Nishy's bar (after it is leveled up enough), that way they can make money, needing to be h trained to satisfy and survive clients fetishes.
The auto harvester could be done by fapets with some intelect like the bunny in the bunny heir, they could speak and act freely, maybe this is more possible but the auto harvester would be just a + of use for fapets because they doesn't have another utility than make beer. But if you have another way of their use then the harvester thing would be too much maybe.
After completing the First chapters of the story it is unlocked (after finishing the Barn chapter). It is done like that to give a smooth tutorial-intro into the game (learn the basics, tamings, recipes, hacts and stuff), since the Free mode doesn't provide any tutorials just the help sections in The Book, or in [Esc] Pause Menu > Options > Help
I'm glad you like the game and it's intriguing story ^.^
I have more interesting story ideas planned (not sure if i can fit all of them in the next game). Supposedly more of this will be part of episode 2 (which so far has no release date available, yet it won't be 2023).
Hi i wanted to know if you are going to upgrade the system of nest/ change it to do something like a ranch because when we have a lot of fapet it s difficult to manage them. Also this game is really really good.
Hello, thank you for the kind words, i'm glad you like the game :3
- "ranch system" : do you mean something like all of player's current pets are hidden and he can bring them up (and assign to milking or such) via a list popup ? or something else ?
A ranch system like slime rancher whith cage or enclosure like in the mistress barn at the begining. Like that we can have more space and you can possibly put the machine outside ans have more of them like the dildo training in the begining. and if it's too hard to do you can do a list popup. (sorry if my english is not good)
A combination of the above described systems (Black's barn like + list popup) was originally made, yet it didn't provide the desired degree of 'action' :3 , although i was testing with low number of characters. I am considering adding multiple nests, but it'll a bit of time (not sure if it'll be up for an update or already in Ep 2). The ranch place (with areas for training like in the nearby one) are supposedly for the future (Ep 2 or later), when Nishy reaches a high enough popularity level.
Thanks you for the information. Also i was thinking if it will be possible to have human slave like specific human (blondie or the blue hair girl) like Nishy is black slave? And maybe a male/female versions of existent fapets?
It is highly recommended to restart (new save slot) on the full version. The demo save will work on full version, but you won't have all the full version's features, abilities, customization and stuff.
Hello, while playing in Free Mode or Story Mode, just start typing the code (no popup or pause is required). Also make sure your typing keyboard is set to eng USA (since some symbols are changed between keyboards).
Backspace key > right shift key > key > key > key
The code should become active. If you accidentally pressed something else just move a little (wasd) to cancel the current code input string.
Please make sure you're using the game's full version (not working in demo), that you are playing in Store or Free Mode and that your input keyboard is set to USA.
I have attached a video example of first key strokes being inputted (via virtual keyboard )
Currently my production time is more focused on upcoming Blondie's BBC game, when i'll be able i'll post a sneak peak on website (around August-September).
Some of the New things for the winter update:
- A new Free Mode special event (like Halloween,Xmas..)
- New h animations for Fairy (not sure if she'll be tamable, most likely a servant like snowmans)
Yes, the demo is censored (used for itch and dlsite), while the full game on Itch (here) is fully uncensored, while on dlsite is censored (can be easily uncensored in 1 step).
As example you can check the second and third videos above, in 'Walkthru Videos'
stuck on the trainees quest, I’ve done enough side quests to get to new areas just can’t because of story progress. I got the bone as a reward how do I get the hcard for the dog
"Trainees quest" : to see the quest's target select the quest while in book ([TAB] Book > (while the desired quest is highlighted) Enter/LMB > a blue beam will appear + nishy will turn towards that spot). If there's still an issue feel free to make a screenshot with the quest's details and post it in here.
"hcard for the dog" : hcards are for objects, currently only available for Carrot, Magic Staff and Condom. Bone can be used as food for tamed fapets (preferably wargs and hounds) after feeding is unlocked.
So far no, sorry. You can revisit Orks Cave via Theater mode (which unlocks after finishing story), from the Title screen select 'Theater Mode', then the desired chapter, then the story sequence. You can also have your current dress from free mode if you activate the option (left bottom corner or of the papyruses).
There is a lot of things that doesn't appear in the book, petting for example, the game told me about it a while ago, it's not in the book and I can't find a way to do it. I have the nest already and a bunch of fapets.
Anothe thing, could we have manual save ? My game crashed, when I came back I lost 4 fapets.
Sorry but there's no wiki (at least none of which i'm aware of), mostly just forums, however everything is supposedly documented within game: Book (Fapestiary, Help Section) and Visual tips (Esc > Option > Help > (left-right)).
"petting for example" : strange, it should've appeared in Visual Tips and in the Book (all learned knowledge appears there along with the corresponding notifications). Was it in Free Mode or Story Mode ? Was it a older save (from before the game release), a continued save from demo or a new save ? If the issue persists i could check the save.
"manual save" : the only way to safely save is by using sleep (via quick commands or interacting with a bed). This was considered for preventing quick saves and lots of reloads. Currently the game is based on day pass type save, since lots of things are randomly generated and calculated at the start of a day. In other words, i could try yet there's a high chance it would end up being very buggy, sorry.
1. Make sure you have a carrot (only works on them), the panties are off ([R]Undress menu > Select the panties if not grayed), the carrot's hCard (Open Book[TAB] > Fapestiary[E] > hCards[Down/S])
2. Crouch[C hold , or tap if toggle crouch is on] then tap the carrot's quick slot number (1 or 2, from above QWERT keys), then tap Q
- If she can't insert then a notify appears at the top of the screen saying the cause ("Panties must be off" , "No H Card" ...)
- You can recheck the procedure in the walkthru videos above
If the issue persists feel free to contact me or write here,
There is Free Camera mode (toggled on-off by tapping E key on keyboard), which allows the player to pan (Middle mouse), orbit (move mouse), zoom (scroll wheel). It is also available in Demo after seeing the Lamia female until the end, just tap E and move mouse.
The normal camera allows only orbiting around by moving mouse left-right and zoom in-out with scroll wheel.
P.S.: You can check the walkthru (in main post above) videos on a sample on camera movement. Also all the screenshots on the right where taken using in-game's free camera
Sadly no, choose wisely from the start. Or you could choose the other option while replaying in 'new game +' (at the same story point, no changing option is available later on).
I have a question. I recently downloaded the newest version of this game after not having played for quite a while. My old save file was still there, and I happily jumped back into the story. The problem is that I can't seem to progress the story right now. Though I'm not sure if this is a problem with my old save file or just me not understanding what I'm supposed to do next. I already have the milking parlor and the bar/stand in the city, but I can't seem to do anything with them. The only quest I have is "Bar Idea", telling me to return to the nest and equip a bucket... which isn't doing anything. Maybe I don't understand what "equip" is supposed to mean here; maybe the quest is bugged, or my save file is broken. Can anyone tell me what I'm supposed to do here? Or do I have to start again?
A. Try opening Book [TAB], then (while it's showing "BarIdea" quest details) press Enter or Left Mouse button click. Go to the place it shows. If it's at a bucket, then get that bucket, if it's at the Milking parlor then get any bucket and equip it (while carrying it, interact [Left Mouse Button] with the milking parlor , Nishy will place it under the milking parlor). Then get further away and check the Book. If it still says the same then it's probably a bug.
B. If the above didn't work, send me the a bug report (check at the end of game's description above on how to create a bug report). If i manage to fix it, i'll send you back a working save file.
It is highly recommended to start over since a lot of things where added, and might've not acquired all of the skills and unlocks (could result in a block later on again).
If the previous version you mentioned wasn't a final build (if it's vXXXXX some number, a development build) then i highly recommend restarting fresh to not get any surprises along the way.
My sincere apologies i am having some health issues and was offline for about a month, i'll be back hopefully in 1-2 weeks, then i can enable that window of payment for credit cards, sorry for all the caused discomfort
Hi again , i have a problem with new game+ i completed story mode and was trying to create new game+ but game says that i need to be 20lvl or over 20lvl but i have 22lvl.
I don't quite recall the requirements, yet the required level could be for player in Free Mode or Story Mode (even if completed, since there are some extra unlocks at that point).
There is a mention in the clothes shop (Chat) that i can bring fuppets(bunnies) to her for a new clothes, so how to do it or it is only possible by giving her sketches.
the bunny taming bugs out for me, cant initiate the Hact to get her to follow to the bed and the carrots disappear, not really sure what to do to get past it
After the bunny is tamed (via inserting carrot in Nishy's lower entrance then luring the bunny to the green taming and letting the bunny lick the bottom part to get the carrot ), you can start a HAct by crouching (hold C) and interact (Left Mouse Button) with the fapet/bunny, you must be near her and facing her.
To make her follow you : after starting an HAct you must hold the 0 key (on english keyboard it's above letters O and P), a white bar in bottom left corner will appear and will start filling up. Keep holding until it's filled, then the HAct will be canceled and the fapet will follow you around.
Quest menu (Book) should be accessible in story (after being unlocked, after finishing Black tamer's barn quest) with no limits. Please try again after restarting the game.
If the issue persists or it appears again then please contact me via with details (steps to reproduce the bug if available and a bug report generated with F11 key, more details above in game description)
hello. my character is stuck at level 5. my exp is over the limit of the next level up. this is a bug or is just me who not understand the level up system?
- in story mode there is a level cap which rises with your progress in-game (continue thru the story to rise it higher).
- in free mode (if i recall correctly) the player's level is capped to the story's current level (ex: in story you're at level 10, in free mode you can't go beyond level 10).
This system was implemented to promote progressing thru the story mode first, so that everyone would learn the game's base mechanics, since in free mode there's little explaining on any of the features (it is assumed that the player already know most of this from the story).
Most of the story scenes are non skip able, however you could probably find (on sb forums) a fully completed story save file then use the theater mode to play only desired parts.
In Free Mode you can choose and do what you desire, no limits.
Search on internet "convert ASCII to words" , then input the numbers you see in the cave (in-game) on the ground into the internet webpage and you'll get the code (ex: 071 = F ...)
← Return to game
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Good game! looking forward to possible update in the future?
Thnx, hopefully a new update will arrive this winter
hello, what does the bondage horse chair do ?
Bondage machines (including horse chair) : train a fapet's into a mindbroken pet. It raises the Break gauge (depending on player's level it might not be seen yet, it's located in fapet's stats via X) per each climax. Beware that it consumes extra essence and affection.
I recommend breaking at least 1 fapet to see the Broken state, then you can decide if you'd want more of these.
More info on this can be found in [TAB] Book > Help > Bondage Machines , or as visual help in [Esc] Pause menu > Options > Help
so i played this game a while back and haven't touched it since but while cleaning up the list of games I've played, ended up back here and thought i might add what i remember, assuming the game isn't already dead.
the tutorials were long and complicated and were thrown at the player non-stop making it not very fun to go through and very hard to absorb before something else is thrown at them. maybe look at a way to simplify it? by the end of it i had already forgotten bits and pieces. IMPORTANT bits and pieces.
i also remember taming the rabbit gave me trouble because i kept leading it to the wrong pen. the pen wasn't very clearly indicated either through text or visual graphics, so i just kept leading it to the closest pen, which apparently was not where it needed to go to trigger what needed to be triggered (i believe this got mentioned in a previous post)
not sure if there is a manual of sorts in the game for people who decide to give the game another try after a long time away, but if not, that would be an appreciated future addition.
there was also a lack of content to keep my attention after the tutorial ended.
it has potential and maybe if it gets cleaned and polished a little more and the things i mentioned are taken care of, i'd be willing to give it another whirl. but until then, its more of a hassle than an enjoyable game from what i remember
Hello, thank you for the provided feedback.
"not sure if there is a manual of sorts in the game for people who decide to give the game another try after a long time away" - there are several :
1. [Tab] Book > 'Help' section : describes all game's features, controls and most of required stuff.
2. [Tab] Book > 'Fapestiary' section : describes taming procedures for each fapet (of the ones learned / found recipes), along with a video example
3. [Esc] Pause menu > Options > Help : visual tutorials of game features and controls (most of the content from 1. is covered here)
"taming the rabbit gave me trouble because i kept leading it to the wrong pen" : you mean in the tutorial (Black tamer's barn) ? or afterwards ?
"there was also a lack of content to keep my attention after the tutorial ended" : i'm assuming you finished the 'Black's Barn chapter', after which there was no lead on where to go and what to do. In these cases i recommend using Book (Tab key) , then select the current active quest to see where you must go next (a big blue beam will appear pointing the way, also Nishy will turn that way). In case you switched to free mode, i recommend finishing the start quests to unlock more features, search for recipes and tame various fapets, level up the barn and check the special events (last week of in-game month).
I hope this helps,
That intro and tutorial is not a good look. I truly wanted to play that game but so much is janky in just the beginning :
And all of that just so I can unlock free play and struggle on my own and get to it ? fuck that.
I will agree that maybe I just suck but I'm around 2h playing around and I'm not liking what I experienced and am not ready to start from the beginning again. Will maybe be come back to it in a later date (hopefully more polished) but damn that was not enjoyable.
Hello, i apologize for the bad experience with the game.
I will try to polish the first chapters based on your feedback (probably limit the player's choices so that he would be navigated to the correct direction/choice ). I don't think that i can adapt azerty keyboard (too many things are hardcoded with direct inputs), yet i'll notify the players. Sorry, but i'm not sure that free mode will be of much help (it has no tutorials, and is best experienced after learning the mechanics step by step in story mode) since the player has to learn that tamings require stamina and a taming spot nearby + extra items.
I could recommend watching some game walkthru's (you can find them above comments), they might prove of some help.
For me it work really well just put a warning maybe that tell people to look a the key bind in th help section also can you put more of beacon tame thing because there s some place where you are really slow and the beacon is really far
Thanks for the answer and for the consideration. I'm aware the game is still being built and it's quite early in it's existence and polish might not be the priority against content, and the fact my computer is a dying and rotting potato must not have help being able to go through wall. but I was truly frustrated. I will come back to try it later !
For the keybind I can kinda understand it's a pain in the ass, it's not as if ther is just qwerty or azerty. Central european use Qwertz for example.
Good luck with the development of it !
What do you think about a character that modified fapets like a fusion of fapets : bunny x kelpie = a futa bunnie or a shota kelpie
Also of benection/curse by the priestess on nishy or fapets like a skill or just a boost?
Well i did plan on fapet fusion, altough for ranking them up (2 legs walk) and making them more adult (size of TC / Black). The futa thing is supposedly rare and searched for, yet i'll consider the idea (maybe for free mode, since story and lore can be bended in there).
"benection/curse by the priestess" : nice, i'll keep that in mind, it'll come in handy (Lvl 1 simple magic cast, Lvl 2 Lewd cast , Lvl 3 Crotch lick or liquids drink) ;)
Hope to see how the episode 2 will look and maybe share more idea to you.
Free Mode is unlocked after finishing the the tutorial chapter (to make sure that the player knows the base mechanics of this game : taming, hacts, interacts, sleep, items and quick slots, chests .. ).
Hello Nymphokyun, have you thought about creating a server discord? Currently the only way to stay up to date with the games is your website and comments/forums like this.
It would be a great way to stay up to date with everything and a good place to have information about your games (like how to get certain h-acts in SlaveBar, etc)
Hello, thank you for the suggestion. I have attempted several times to start one, yet never got the time to finish the setup and things for that.
I'll try to start one with the next game's release, and hopefully the community will guide me on how to do things right in there T^T (never really used Discord, so i've got little experience on the subject).
Also, thnx for the rating :)
I just wanted to say this is one of the best H-game I've ever played, and there is no other breeding game that comes close to how good this is.
I understand you are working on a few side projects, but I can't wait to see new Episode 1 content and I'm very excited to see how Episode 2 will look when it comes out, especially with how well your animations and everything have improved over time.
The only downsize about SlaveBar is always wanting more.
Small suggestion for Episode 2: Small change to spawn of the fappets with a unique version. Such as a bunny with rainbow hair or a Kelpie with a different cock
(And the fact that there's no list of possible scene combinations to be found during Free Mode. I know there are forums that have a rough list of scenes, but most of the times these lists are incomplete)
I agree with unique versions but for event in free mode. the fapets could have a unique thing in the event that make you want to tame them (color, costume, or other physical change like Mrbear said).
Big thank you for the kind words (seeing bad reviews on other sites kind of dims the desire to continue working on any project, yet these are quite inspirational T^T ).
The side games are meant as somewhat of a side stories (Kingdom Hearts like..well kind of), hopefully enriching the SB universe.
"fapets with a unique version" : as @CrowNoRi pointed out, these are most likely be in special events or time-location limited to get a more rare sensation. There are some different bunnies in winter/xmas area (bright colored hair + light shimmers come from their hair), yet they have a rare drop/spawn. Btw, 'the rainbow hair bunny' did you had in mind the 2 young bunnies from the Bunny lair (story) ?
P.S.: Feel free to rate the game (if it still hasn't been done yet) and recommend to others ^.^
To be honest I haven't played the story mode in years, I recently came back to see how the updating has been going. I just came up with random ideas for different types of fapets xD
Also went ahead and rated SlaveBar 5 stars, I appreciate the reply!
Love your work and hope to see Episode 2 sometime soon :))
I played the free mode and didn't know they were already rare fapets.
Also went ahead and rated 5 stars too.
And is there something else in the halloween event apart the stick?
If you get the staff and go to the middle of the forest, you will unlock a secret chest with the Staff H-Card.
Once you got it try selecting the staff and holding Q 😉
So there nothing but just the h animation with the staff?
Thank you for your response .
Also is possible that nishy can have "daughter" and not only making tentacle in future?
Have you think about others use of fapets?
So far mostly as pets for h-acts + breeding, milking and cute petting (unlocked as you progress in free mode).
Do you have any suggestions ?
we can harvest thing with them, like with the cat woman, she can catch fish in river or something else. if you have think about making a garden we can use rabbit or others fapets for their favorite (they produce only what they like: rabbit = carrot ) and maybe if you implant a monkey or with tall fapets or powerful fapets harvest things from tree.
The auto harvesters sounds interesting, however in current context the fapets would consume/eat their favorite food (being the main idea about the taming part, that they ignore any threat instinct because of this). Maybe some other resources or just making money. Keep in mind that they supposedly have a low level of intellect, close to animals.
I was thinking about using them in a personal Toilet section of Nishy's bar (after it is leveled up enough), that way they can make money, needing to be h trained to satisfy and survive clients fetishes.
The auto harvester could be done by fapets with some intelect like the bunny in the bunny heir, they could speak and act freely, maybe this is more possible but the auto harvester would be just a + of use for fapets because they doesn't have another utility than make beer. But if you have another way of their use then the harvester thing would be too much maybe.
Thanks for the details, i'll add this idea to my ideas list.
Cheers ;)
how do i access the free mode
After completing the First chapters of the story it is unlocked (after finishing the Barn chapter). It is done like that to give a smooth tutorial-intro into the game (learn the basics, tamings, recipes, hacts and stuff), since the Free mode doesn't provide any tutorials just the help sections in The Book, or in [Esc] Pause Menu > Options > Help
thx m8
are you planning to do more with the story in the game or is it finished because I love the game and would like to see where the game goes
I'm glad you like the game and it's intriguing story ^.^
I have more interesting story ideas planned (not sure if i can fit all of them in the next game). Supposedly more of this will be part of episode 2 (which so far has no release date available, yet it won't be 2023).
P.S.: Thank you for rating the game :)
Hi i wanted to know if you are going to upgrade the system of nest/ change it to do something like a ranch because when we have a lot of fapet it s difficult to manage them. Also this game is really really good.
Hello, thank you for the kind words, i'm glad you like the game :3
- "ranch system" : do you mean something like all of player's current pets are hidden and he can bring them up (and assign to milking or such) via a list popup ? or something else ?
A ranch system like slime rancher whith cage or enclosure like in the mistress barn at the begining. Like that we can have more space and you can possibly put the machine outside ans have more of them like the dildo training in the begining. and if it's too hard to do you can do a list popup. (sorry if my english is not good)
Thank you for the details.
A combination of the above described systems (Black's barn like + list popup) was originally made, yet it didn't provide the desired degree of 'action' :3 , although i was testing with low number of characters. I am considering adding multiple nests, but it'll a bit of time (not sure if it'll be up for an update or already in Ep 2). The ranch place (with areas for training like in the nearby one) are supposedly for the future (Ep 2 or later), when Nishy reaches a high enough popularity level.
Cheers ;)
Thanks you for the information. Also i was thinking if it will be possible to have human slave like specific human (blondie or the blue hair girl) like Nishy is black slave? And maybe a male/female versions of existent fapets?
Yes, NPC (Blondie, Lily..) might become temporary enslaved in the future, not quite the same way as with Black (her master).
'male/female versions' : not sure about this. Only if i'll have extra time and this feature will be requested by a high number of players.
if i buy this game do i still have my save file from the dem
It is highly recommended to restart (new save slot) on the full version. The demo save will work on full version, but you won't have all the full version's features, abilities, customization and stuff.
Hi im just wondering if i can buy this with credit card instead?
The card payments will open Thursday (03.07.2023) until next day (04.07.23), be sure to check in then :)
Thanks for reply. But I managed to buy it with PayPal. Thanks :)
reproduction only works the fapes or in the human also because so far the eggs were with tentacles?
It's only available for fapets. The human (Nishy) has a parasite toxin which revolves in 100% offspring takeover (can only make tentacle eggs).
ive got codes from the spin off games backspace and r shift aren't doing anything how do i enter the codes i have?
Hello, while playing in Free Mode or Story Mode, just start typing the code (no popup or pause is required). Also make sure your typing keyboard is set to eng USA (since some symbols are changed between keyboards).
Backspace key > right shift key > key > key > key
The code should become active. If you accidentally pressed something else just move a little (wasd) to cancel the current code input string.
Please inform me if there are still any issues
doesn't work for me X(
Please make sure you're using the game's full version (not working in demo), that you are playing in Store or Free Mode and that your input keyboard is set to USA.
I have attached a video example of first key strokes being inputted (via virtual keyboard )
code tutorial cut
Thank you I couldn't figure out that you had to hold the keys and type the code in, got it now works just fine.
when will you be able to buy with credit card again?
Hello, the credit card payments will be available 21 to 22 June, please check at that time
Credit Card payments are now open until tomorrow
Will there be an Episode 2 soon?
There will most likely be an Episode 2, sadly it won't be available any time soon.
However an interesting update is set to arrive this winter for SB, and another spinoff game along the way ;)
Can we have a glimpse of what we can expect for the winter update? 👀
Currently my production time is more focused on upcoming Blondie's BBC game, when i'll be able i'll post a sneak peak on website (around August-September).
Some of the New things for the winter update:
- A new Free Mode special event (like Halloween,Xmas..)
- New h animations for Fairy (not sure if she'll be tamable, most likely a servant like snowmans)
- Improved customization cabin system
is the demo version the only version that is censored? because if it's not then I don't think I'll get the game.
Yes, the demo is censored (used for itch and dlsite), while the full game on Itch (here) is fully uncensored, while on dlsite is censored (can be easily uncensored in 1 step).
As example you can check the second and third videos above, in 'Walkthru Videos'
Cheers ;)
stuck on the trainees quest, I’ve done enough side quests to get to new areas just can’t because of story progress. I got the bone as a reward how do I get the hcard for the dog
"Trainees quest" : to see the quest's target select the quest while in book ([TAB] Book > (while the desired quest is highlighted) Enter/LMB > a blue beam will appear + nishy will turn towards that spot). If there's still an issue feel free to make a screenshot with the quest's details and post it in here.
"hcard for the dog" : hcards are for objects, currently only available for Carrot, Magic Staff and Condom. Bone can be used as food for tamed fapets (preferably wargs and hounds) after feeding is unlocked.
Saya harap ada versi android nya 😭😭
Maaf, tetapi tidak akan ada versi Android dalam waktu dekat
Is it possible to go in the orks cave in free mode ?
So far no, sorry. You can revisit Orks Cave via Theater mode (which unlocks after finishing story), from the Title screen select 'Theater Mode', then the desired chapter, then the story sequence. You can also have your current dress from free mode if you activate the option (left bottom corner or of the papyruses).
Hello, credit card and stripe are also a option but they work just in certain days (i need to unlock these for that day). Is this ok ?
Is there a wiki somewehere ?
There is a lot of things that doesn't appear in the book, petting for example, the game told me about it a while ago, it's not in the book and I can't find a way to do it. I have the nest already and a bunch of fapets.
Anothe thing, could we have manual save ? My game crashed, when I came back I lost 4 fapets.
Sorry but there's no wiki (at least none of which i'm aware of), mostly just forums, however everything is supposedly documented within game: Book (Fapestiary, Help Section) and Visual tips (Esc > Option > Help > (left-right)).
"petting for example" : strange, it should've appeared in Visual Tips and in the Book (all learned knowledge appears there along with the corresponding notifications). Was it in Free Mode or Story Mode ? Was it a older save (from before the game release), a continued save from demo or a new save ? If the issue persists i could check the save.
"manual save" : the only way to safely save is by using sleep (via quick commands or interacting with a bed). This was considered for preventing quick saves and lots of reloads. Currently the game is based on day pass type save, since lots of things are randomly generated and calculated at the start of a day. In other words, i could try yet there's a high chance it would end up being very buggy, sorry.
Thanks for the answer. I can pet now and it is in the book, I guess it was too early in the game (story).
ok, I understand for the saving mechanism.
Hi im having a bit of a problem i cant insert things i did it in the tutorial somehow but i can no more figure it out it was an azerty problem
1. Make sure you have a carrot (only works on them), the panties are off ([R]Undress menu > Select the panties if not grayed), the carrot's hCard (Open Book[TAB] > Fapestiary[E] > hCards[Down/S])
2. Crouch[C hold , or tap if toggle crouch is on] then tap the carrot's quick slot number (1 or 2, from above QWERT keys), then tap Q
- If she can't insert then a notify appears at the top of the screen saying the cause ("Panties must be off" , "No H Card" ...)
- You can recheck the procedure in the walkthru videos above
If the issue persists feel free to contact me or write here,
Will there be another opportunity to purchase the game via credit card again?
Sure thing, credit card payments will open on 18 to 19 May, be sure to check then ;)
Can't wait.
Hi, Credit card payments are now open until tomorrow ;)
The camera is stuck at one angle in the demo. Is it like that in the game too?
There is Free Camera mode (toggled on-off by tapping E key on keyboard), which allows the player to pan (Middle mouse), orbit (move mouse), zoom (scroll wheel). It is also available in Demo after seeing the Lamia female until the end, just tap E and move mouse.
The normal camera allows only orbiting around by moving mouse left-right and zoom in-out with scroll wheel.
P.S.: You can check the walkthru (in main post above) videos on a sample on camera movement. Also all the screenshots on the right where taken using in-game's free camera
I hope his helps ;)
Is there a way to change the cock type later o
Sadly no, choose wisely from the start. Or you could choose the other option while replaying in 'new game +' (at the same story point, no changing option is available later on).
Ah darn. It fine just wanted to know.
looking forward to the credit card release so i can purchase it!
me too
Credit card payments will be open 19-21 may (this week, from Wednesday until Friday).
Credit card payments will be open 19-21 may (this week, from Wednesday until Friday). Sorry for the delay
Any plans to port to android?
Sadly no, the game was not meant for phones/tablets, sorry.
However there are spinoffs which are crossplatform compatible (check my profile to see the list), in case they fit the needs.
I have a question. I recently downloaded the newest version of this game after not having played for quite a while. My old save file was still there, and I happily jumped back into the story. The problem is that I can't seem to progress the story right now. Though I'm not sure if this is a problem with my old save file or just me not understanding what I'm supposed to do next. I already have the milking parlor and the bar/stand in the city, but I can't seem to do anything with them. The only quest I have is "Bar Idea", telling me to return to the nest and equip a bucket... which isn't doing anything. Maybe I don't understand what "equip" is supposed to mean here; maybe the quest is bugged, or my save file is broken. Can anyone tell me what I'm supposed to do here? Or do I have to start again?
A. Try opening Book [TAB], then (while it's showing "BarIdea" quest details) press Enter or Left Mouse button click. Go to the place it shows. If it's at a bucket, then get that bucket, if it's at the Milking parlor then get any bucket and equip it (while carrying it, interact [Left Mouse Button] with the milking parlor , Nishy will place it under the milking parlor). Then get further away and check the Book. If it still says the same then it's probably a bug.
B. If the above didn't work, send me the a bug report (check at the end of game's description above on how to create a bug report). If i manage to fix it, i'll send you back a working save file.
It is highly recommended to start over since a lot of things where added, and might've not acquired all of the skills and unlocks (could result in a block later on again).
If the previous version you mentioned wasn't a final build (if it's vXXXXX some number, a development build) then i highly recommend restarting fresh to not get any surprises along the way.
I hope this helps,
When is the next opening for cc orders?
My sincere apologies i am having some health issues and was offline for about a month, i'll be back hopefully in 1-2 weeks, then i can enable that window of payment for credit cards, sorry for all the caused discomfort
Not a problem at all! Thank you for getting back to me, I'll check back in around that time then. :)
I hope that your health improves <3
Credit card payments will be open 19-21 may (this week, from Wednesday until Friday). Sorry for the delay, and thank you, i feel better now :)
Hi again , i have a problem with new game+ i completed story mode and was trying to create new game+ but game says that i need to be 20lvl or over 20lvl but i have 22lvl.
I don't quite recall the requirements, yet the required level could be for player in Free Mode or Story Mode (even if completed, since there are some extra unlocks at that point).
how would i enter cheats from nishy's birthday
Press Backspace and Right Shift at the same time, then type the code. There is no text box, so just type.
Tap Backspace, then release, now tap Right shift, release, type the rest.
I don't recall any codes to require holding any keys down, usually it's just tap the keys in that order ;)
Ok, i'll try to add it for the next update
There is a mention in the clothes shop (Chat) that i can bring fuppets(bunnies) to her for a new clothes, so how to do it or it is only possible by giving her sketches.
After fulfilling the requirements you will acquire dress parts of that fapet for Nishy to wear.
1. Tame 10 fapets of the desired type (10 bunnies, or 10 sheep, or 10 kelpies..)
2. You'll receive a quest to unlock the dress. Complete it to recive the dress parts.
3. Tame up to 20 fapets of that type to fully unlock the dress (hair style, accesories, panties).
For more details can be looked up in Book[TAB] > Help, search for 'Cross Dresses'
wait! for the requirement, is it telling to tame 10 fapets and keep it in the nest or can i just leave them be after i tame them?
In stats u have list of tamed fapets after you hit 10 just take 1 fapet to tc and you will get new clothes.You don't need to keep them in nest.
is that so? thank you for the info.
the bunny taming bugs out for me, cant initiate the Hact to get her to follow to the bed and the carrots disappear, not really sure what to do to get past it
After the bunny is tamed (via inserting carrot in Nishy's lower entrance then luring the bunny to the green taming and letting the bunny lick the bottom part to get the carrot ), you can start a HAct by crouching (hold C) and interact (Left Mouse Button) with the fapet/bunny, you must be near her and facing her.
To make her follow you : after starting an HAct you must hold the 0 key (on english keyboard it's above letters O and P), a white bar in bottom left corner will appear and will start filling up. Keep holding until it's filled, then the HAct will be canceled and the fapet will follow you around.
I cant open my quest menu anymore.
I'm in story mode right after opening the bar.
it works on freemode tho but i cant use somethings without progressing on story/
Quest menu (Book) should be accessible in story (after being unlocked, after finishing Black tamer's barn quest) with no limits. Please try again after restarting the game.
If the issue persists or it appears again then please contact me via with details (steps to reproduce the bug if available and a bug report generated with F11 key, more details above in game description)
Cheers ;)
hello. my character is stuck at level 5. my exp is over the limit of the next level up. this is a bug or is just me who not understand the level up system?
- in story mode there is a level cap which rises with your progress in-game (continue thru the story to rise it higher).
- in free mode (if i recall correctly) the player's level is capped to the story's current level (ex: in story you're at level 10, in free mode you can't go beyond level 10).
This system was implemented to promote progressing thru the story mode first, so that everyone would learn the game's base mechanics, since in free mode there's little explaining on any of the features (it is assumed that the player already know most of this from the story).
Sorry for the troubles
thanks for the reply and now i understands the level system.
sorry for the trouble too.
Hello! I was wondering as to whether it is possible to disable certain elements that might not fit my tastes, or if the scenes are hard-coded.
Most of the story scenes are non skip able, however you could probably find (on sb forums) a fully completed story save file then use the theater mode to play only desired parts.
In Free Mode you can choose and do what you desire, no limits.
can someone explain the bunny statue please in story mode i translated the code but i have no clue where to input
nvm it was just bugged
Search on internet "convert ASCII to words" , then input the numbers you see in the cave (in-game) on the ground into the internet webpage and you'll get the code (ex: 071 = F ...)