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hello, i want to ask, is there other website that I could buy from aside from this one? i don't have any paypal account so i can't buy them.

(1 edit) (+1)

you can still buy it with credit card, otherwise you can buy it from Dlsite. 

Just try to link your credit/debit card on your profile settings 

finally, i'm able to create paypal account. by the way, if i pay the game right now, will i have to pay again if the game got updated?

no, you will own the game and the future version of it. And if i remember correctly, Itch. has a function to auto update games 

ooooh, okay then, thank you for the info. i just recently make Paypal account and i can't wait to use it . but i need to wait until my next allowance come up 😭😭. by the way, this is a great game, why don't you put it on steam though?


it was attempted to be on steam, but something happened and it was rejected


Wanted to share a cute scene :)

Ship for Horny and Nishy, take off x)


I root for NishyxBlondie, seems like a lovely couple :3

I like Nishy x Blondie more, but this one is nice aswell


Hope I can buy the game because the demo was amazing and I cannot afford it yet. I have never seen such a good game and i hope it gets even better


Awesome hentai game, fluid animations, lots of features, free dressing customization system + tearing, and lots more.

Had a good laugh on some parts ))

Highly recommended for every man of culture :)

thanks, but what I'm talking about is that I wanted SlaveBar v1.3 apk for android 


The game was not optimized for mobile platform, thus it is very unlikely to get it ported on android.

Sorry ,


Will you bring an Android version?


The SB Nishy's Futanari birthday [Android/PC] will become available on in the nearby future ;)



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ok so i have my bucket of milk but a cant hook it to the shop how do i do it ? it just says the the collector is empty

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while carrying the Bucket with milk, interact with the collector and then select "Fill"

The collector must be built in your nest, it will be placed next to the milking parlor 


TC wants me to have a bunny follow me so i bring it over with the carrot meathod and talk to her and she says i need a bunny following me when its right there

plz help lo

(1 edit) (+1)

You have to start and then cancel a H-act in order to have a fapet following you. (You can know that you are being followed by looking at a Bright-Yellow circle with a 1 below your HUD. Later on, you will learn a skill to call fapets

PD: you need 'tamed' fapets

life saver i wouldve never figured that out

thank you

how do i get a whip


Bought it from the SackHead guys, from the forest go straight passing in front of the Kingdom and you will see a Big Mansion, there is the guy. 

PD: Whenever you get lost, just open the Book and then press Enter on the mission you want to follow up 

i found it thank you

Can someone tell me how to start tracking a quest cuz I dont seem to understand. Which key should i press idk what RF means

To track a quest you have to select it with Up/Down and then press Enter. A light beam will appear on the Sky and the MC will face the direction where you have to go. 

R/F keys are bind to change page on Large Entries, specially those from the Help section

Is this a bug? I have this quest, and Horny is not here where they should be.


- Try approaching that point (there is a story point where she isn't at designated place, after approaching Nishy will start wondering where she is, the beam locator will point to her new location).

- If nothing happens, then it's probably a bug - please restart the game (just going to Title screen and back to story usually fixes any of such issues).

- If this doesn't work then contact me via email to collect the bug report and receive a quick fix.

Restarting fixed I found out. I think weird stuff starts happening if playing long enough. I had a second crowd quest do it too. Probably fixed now though from the same restart I'd imagine.

in free mode i never ended up with a bucket for milking and i cant really figure out if theres something i needed to do or what


Buckets and Slave/Nest related things can be bought by interacting with Black NPC. 

Once you get the bucket from her, interact with it, and then press 2 to store it in your inventory 

ty! didnt see the tabs at black

The NPC with the yellow gem above their head in the path to the old barn appears to be bugged when I attempt to speak to her. 

I have nobody available to sell anything to in the story, and therefore it seems I cannot raise any funds to do much of anything. :( 

try restarting the game, that usually fix most of the problems

I found the problem. It does seem half-bugged though. Even after restarts this happens. 

If you talk to them without doing the appropriate attack action and canceling the action to get them following you, you just get a cut-off message that says "re following you" and you get locked into an invisible menu, and just become frozen in place until you hit "escape" either 1 or a few times to free yourself. 

I kept getting them to follow me, but only by whip, so I ended up just bringing them there, and getting frozen before restarting until I figured out the escape button trick that doesn't always work the first time.

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ah, in those cases you have to press F5 to unstuck things (pretty useful button) or just pressing the RMB outside the menu. 

Also, the only way to have a fapet following you is either canceling sex or using the Call Command (you get it after processing in the story) So take that in mind when you need to do a Bring X fapet Quest. 

PD: the only indication about a Fapet following you, is a yellow circle with numbers under your HUD

I've got milk now, but nobody anywhere seems to take it for the quest. Am I doing something wrong? Says something like no matching fetish each time, but it's like 0% chance to succeed

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take in mind that every NPC has a particular taste, so first talk to them and sell the milk to those who have a liking for the milk you have (What people likes, is based on the Trending of that day, in your nest you will find a paper on the wall about it) 

EX: You did BunnyxKelpie milk, now you interact with a NPC, if they say something about cows or any other fapet but Bunny or Kelpie, they will not buy the milk. 

If they did say something about Bunnies or Kelpies, they will buy it 

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There's no paper on my nest's wall about it, and none of the NPCs do mention anything about any fapet.  I just get standard responses like "No thanks." so far. I've also tried on different days. 

I'm going to keep trying though. I'll post here if I have any success. 

Will try to capture one of the sheep and see if I can find way of progress. That's the only other one available I can try. I don't have the appropriate quest though and have some quests I don't yet know how to do, but can try to find out to knock them out and prompt new ones that might have the item I need for taming a new sheep.

Edit: I made a new collector and upgraded the nest with a second bench before realizing I was getting a different milk from the same 2 fapets I've been using all this time. One of them was labeled mix, and one of them was labeled something like bunny x kelpie. 

It still didn't work after that, and I later flushed the "mix lv2" bc it was a lower level than the lv18 bunny x kelpie. So next I realized I could no longer brew and got the empty message. So from there, I actually used the keyboard instead of clicking on which brew I wanted, which then brewed the correct brew I thought I was attempting to give people all this time. When I had two collectors, I had 2 mixes and slotted one of each to my two slots, trying each person twice. 

All this time, and I finally realize that I have not been trying anything but the "mix" because I was using the click method to keep brewing . I guess the pets had to have been drinking from the collectors or something, because I know I was refilling the things even though I was only using one of them to brew. XD



- Chatting with town NPCs is done via approaching and interacting (left mouse button) or targeting the npc (middle mouse button) then using the quick command 'Chat' (hold right mouse button, hover over Chat and release button), while"No Thanks" type of messages usually appear after unsuccessful milk cup offer.

- "I need for taming a new sheep"

 *[Free Mode] recipes are spreaded through the map, just explore and open treasure chests (paying blacksmith will give you clues on their location)

 *[Story Mode] All recipes so far are learned via story progression. Sheep recipe is learned via a story side quest in the first chapters. I would recommend passing the story to get a better understanding of the game's mechanics.

- "Mix" milk cannot be offered to town people (no one will want to drink that). It can be used on the player tho (self drinks for it's boost effects). The Mix is created if a collector is filled with 2 different milk combos (had kelpie x bunny, then poured in kelpie x cow = mix), it's ok if it's other kelpie or bunny (don't have to be the same ones) or are of different levels.

- "used the keyboard instead of clicking on which brew I wanted" actually, apart from quick commands mouse can't be used for other UI (shops,book,menus). I will add a note on the screen in later iterations.

- "I have not been trying anything but the "mix" " i'll add this to the list, specify the offered/current mix on people's offer deny.

P.S. More info on Milk Cups offering can be found lower in comments (reply to Orathorium).

Thank you for the info and my apologies for the created discomfort,



 how can i give a cup of milk to a npc i lag and i didn't see how to.

if sommone no plz tell me :)

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You need to find the town people with the correct fetish (if the milk cup contains Bunny x Kelpie mix, then you must find someone that likes bunny or keplies). To do that just chat with people (they randomly mention the creature type they like while talking) or try to offer cup to everyone (until you won't get wrong fetish note).

Later on you'll get an ability to see their fetish desires without needing to interact with them.

Procedure :

1. have a cup of milk (with a known mix, ex.: bunny x kelpie) in your quick slots (1,2)

2. try chatting or offering the desired town person a milk cup (they'll accept only if they're into one of the mix creatures, on chat they usually mention bunny,cow,kelpie,warg.. that being their fetish milk creature). To offer a milk cup : [Middle Mouse Button] target the desired character > [1/2 key] tap the milk cup slot key from quick slots > [Right Mouse Button] (if they accept the mix) Free or Sale option > choose desired option to serve the milk cup

*Note1: Only free roam town people can be offered milk cups, excluding the ones offering quests and the shop owners.

*Note2: After unlocking the required ability you'll be able to see a note above people's heads with their fetish and requirements for offering a milk cup or molesting

*Side Note: People can be molested only after they drank a milk cup, and if you conform to their fetishes (to have the right cloth parts dressed or undressed). Recommended after learning to see the above head note.




Thx your Awesome :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Slavebar Spin-off Android/PC

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Is anyone else encountering an issue when downloading the .001 - .003 files? They seem to be totally empty and not .7z files.

Edit: The error message I am receiving from the Itch downloads is as follows: *An error occurred during installation No Manager for installer unknown*

For now don't use the itch manager until the developer adapts it (he recently commented that he contacted to increase the limit of 1GB per link). Manually download each file, for example from the email you received for the purchase you should have a download link. Download the 4 files (.exe .001-.003). If they are all in the same folder, run the .exe and wait.

If you want to use the app you can cheat the program and install from the manager only the SlaveBar v1.3 M.exe (this way itch will create a specific folder). Move everything you unzipped earlier to this folder and you should be able to run the game from the app by selecting the correct exe.

The folder structure for the manager should look something like this:


- New folder**

- SlaveBar v1.3 M***

* Folder auto created by app

** Here pull the exe and the rest of the parts

*** Here are the game data

I hope this helped you in some way and sorry that English is not my first language.

this worked thank you so much

Thanks for your help and your English is perfect :). I had to download the zip files with a web browser and not the Itch app. Then it all worked like a charm.

So I have downloaded all 4 files, used the .exe and created a new folder. But when I try to run the game it crashes, according to the error.log there was an access violation. Any ideas on how to fix this? thanks

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Mainly it should be either a Driver problem or some memory issue. 

Select the Whole Crash Folder, turn it into a zip/rar and mail it to the Dev e-main noted in the OP

Finally figured it out, uninstalled citrix workspace and it's working

cannot open file as 7z archive, is not archive is the message i get everytime i try to run the exe file and extract the files to another folder. should the folder not be on my desktop idk if it matters please help lol

The fourth link "SlaveBar v1. 3M.exe" is the Decompression Tool supposed to be executed once you get all 4 links's content inside their own folder. Once executed it will decompile the other archives and fuse them in another folder 


I have installed the game sucessfully but I have an issue. The avatar is moving forward continuously, without any input. I have tried to unplug my keyboard to see if there was a change but no, she goes keep going and this is quite annoying. Any idea what is wrong?

In my case, that happens when I do an input when the game is loading something and the game gets the information stuck.

I usually press Esc, and then hold the Up-Key (or the key with the movement stuck) at the same time I press Esc again (also pressing the Win key sometimes fix it). Or just restart the game 


Hello everyone and thank you for your contribution,

To successfully extract the game you must:

1. download all 4 files ( SlaveBar v1.3 M.7z.001 , SlaveBar v1.3 M.7z.002 , SlaveBar v1.3 M.7z.003 , SlaveBar v1.3 M.exe ) in the same folder

2. launch the "SlaveBar v1.3 M.exe" file, which will ask for a location to extract the game

3. go to the extracted location and start the game


- make sure that you have enough free space to download and extract the game : 2.10 GB (downloaded archive files) + 3.7 GB (extracted files - on the extraction drive).

- after the game was extracted the downloaded 7z files can be deleted

- i have contacted Itch.Io team to raise the 1GB upload limit for this game so that there would be just 1 archive to download. The page will be updated once the procedure finishes.




Files are corrupt?

works fine to me.

Please follow the instructions from "// Game Download and Extract" specified above . Inform me (here or via email) if there are any issues.




Just bought, How do I download and play? It just gives me 4 links. Do I combine them all into one folder?

Deleted 1 year ago
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yes. All you have to do is

1) Download all the parts in the same folder (preferably create an exclusive folder with not other things inside to avoid problems) 

2) Once al 4 downloads are stored there, you execute the .EXE as administrator and it will compile the game data into a new folder

3) Delete the previously separated parts, open the new game folder and play

It has been a while since I got a good western 3D porn game. 

Animations are great,  there are a lot of H animations, smooth and full of expressions together with a multiple details, 

It has a few visual bugs tho, but nothing that could stop the gameplay


This is one of the best Hentai games i got to play hands down

The game's main concept revolves around taming new creatures, called fapets, with special procedures to create your own cattle. Milk and train them via various sex poses, while selling their milk to the town's population and rising your bar's reputation, plus acquiring more money.

The anime style graphics are spot on, with lots of sex, molest, masturbate and lots more animations.

The environment music is pretty nice and atmospheric. The jap voices are good, sadly not all text lines are voiced, however while playing you won't feel any holes.

The story is quite interesting, very funny and somewhat mysterious. Many seem to prefer the 'Free Mode' over this, yet i can say that i liked it and can't wait for the next episode.

The sandbox 'Free Mode', is unlocked after finishing the intro chapter in story, probably to get the player accommodated with the gameplay. This is probably the game's best part, since you can freely develop your cattle, explore the world, learn new recipes and tame more creatures. Also there are the 'Special events' which take part at the end of each game's month.

Playtime for story if summed up should be around 24 hours, in my case at least. Playtime for free mode can extend to days and weeks, especially if you want to unlock everything and check all special events.

Personal recommendation, play the game in english language, other seem to be machine translated, losing most of it's charm.

Overall i highly enjoyed playing this game, and watching the funny duo trying to live with each other.

I strongly recommend playing this game

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