If I'm guessing correctly, that happens when you Press Z and tries to walk backwards. Try pressing Z again, and orbiting the mouse. Also see if the Free camera mode is not activated (look for an Eye on your right screen), if it is, try pressing F3 twice or Alt once. Also pressing F5 tends to fix random things happening with the camera
Think my game is bugged. Have the bunny following me, but can't sleep when I interact with the bed. Also, before that, I spent a long time wondering where to get carrots to lure her back to the bed. The ones behind the house disappear once you tame the bunny. The way I worked around it was pulling them all out and throwing them on the ground before taming the bunny, but it doesn't seem this is how it should work. Can you help?
In order to make a Fapet follow you, you first need to start a Hact with said Fapet (interact to have sex).
After this, hold the number 0 to stop the Hact (a withe bar will appear and must be filled). This way the Bunny will count as follower, and sleeping on the bed should be available as part of the script.
If you still cannot sleep on the bed, try pressing F5 and try again after getting a little far from it, otherwise, try restarting the game.
And, to see if you have a "Fapet Follower" look under your Stamina Counter, it appears as a strong yellow circle with a number. Also, the carrot chasing is just part of a Sex interaction, not the actual following
There is no dev/cheat menu or popup, however there are game codes (which you just type in while in game Free Mode). Game codes can be found in spinoff games (Sb Birthday and Orks BBC).
- Walkthru for solving first puzzle can be watched in the gameplay videos above
- For the Golden bunny statue : copy the numbers seen on the ground and search on google ASCII to Text, then in any of the websites paste the numbers as ASCII code to get the final code
Hi, I bought the game to support you. But I feel the story mode is too slow pieced, and sometimes with pink color that might hurt eyes if stay too long (still related to slow pieced progress). Hope in early stage of story mode, user can interact to boost the progress, thanks.
If you're using translator i recommend deepl.com ;)
"story mode is too slow pieced" : if you mean the 'Story Mode' progression, i'd say it's ok, leveling up stats is also more or less ok. If you desire a faster access to all features i recommend trying 'Free Mode'.
Yet from the rest of the context i'm assuming you meant Nishy's walk speed while taming the bunny. There will be an easier way to tame wild creatures after you progress closer to the end of the game. As for now i can only recommend: keeping shift key down and going into white orbs, and strategically taming creatures near green totems.
"pink color that might hurt eyes if stay too long" : i think you mean the diamond indicator above bunny's head which is flashing pink. I am usually not even seeing that part since i keep walking rapidly (with shift key pressed) and it the indicator is not in the camera. I'll give it some thought, thnx
P.S.: I don't know how it was translated, i did not mean anything rude or personal
Beware that the game was optimized for 60 fps, a higher framerate could potentially cause additional bugs (i think it's mostly passing thru objects, not tested).
For the last months (up until present) i was focused on SB update content. Before that, i was working on Blondie BBC (new game), yet had to pause the development until the SB Update is published.
I do have some ideas for new games (smaller then SB -.- ), yet we'll see about those after i finish current scheduled ones
I am currently working on the update, hopefully until the end of february, if the work won't be completed by that point then a small delay of several weeks may happen aswell (i would strongly rather not have any more delays tho T^T )
Well that is not planned specifically, however the new update includes Fairy x Stallion and Fairy x Hound animations. Actually, most of fairy anims might look a bit hardcore because of the size difference which might catch your interest aswell ;)
This looks good only from the video linked in here :) how heavy is the demo by the way? It’ll probably take a long time to download so I just wanna know
1. I'm glad that you like the game trailer, and i hope you'll have an enjoyable time playing the game aswell ^.- . Be aware that demo doesn't have all the things from the video trailer (all of them are from full version).
2. Demo (archived to download) ~ 1.2 Gb (it's via GoogleDrive, should be fast enough)
Demo (unarchived to play) ~ 2.5 Gb
Full game (archived to download) ~ 2.1 Gb (direct from itch.io)
Full game (unarchived to play) ~ 3.6 Gb
*Most of the filesize boost is because of the translations -.-
hey whats the reason you dont just leave cc open by the way ive never seen a dev not want to use cc as most people dont really have any other options as paypal isint really used by normal people
1. Itch.Io are recommending the direct payment (which is Paypal), from some informational sources they are force switching creators from their own collected to direct (mostly about nsfw creators).
2. Currently if i switch to itch.io's credit card payment the transactions will cost around 50% of the payment, and the creator will get only half of the user contribution, so that's very uncomfortable. As middle ground, i suggest to everyone to ask for credit card transactions and i will open up days for those (as long as itch won't have anything against this).
- i have various ideas for episode 2, yet i'm always accepting new ones ;)
- "casino" : there will be a night club in mofu town (nor owned by Nishy) which would have a similar atmosphere. However, for another town/kingdom it would pretty nice, thnx.
- "garden" : interesting, altough this feature must have some h to it for Nishy to bother with such. Also i'm not sure on how good our airhead will be with flowers...maybe some tentacle like flowers which would require 'milk' as their main nutrient. If done, i'd rather have an NPC with it's thing for this (like Horny and her Mill).
maybe we can have miss nishy gain a new power that makes her have the ability to mutate the mobs into flavors
so we gain each flavor by learning about it in the world maybe we learn about mint thru the cow girl and she shows nishy how its made and then nishy will get teleported to that dick room at the start of the game but its a new room with many sizes and many diffirent flavors
this would also allow you to introduce larger versions of nishy for larger sized members and also make a gameplay system
large means more spread but less effective
smaller is more effective but less spread
the larger members are ment to be used to mass fill a drink order and for more rich people our nishy can change to a smaller form
the mobs come in as they can make crops nishys body will only make a none pure version of each flavor so for those who are EXTREMLY rich like kings queens eta they can order a garden mix
the mobs after breeding with nishy gain her abilitys so if we breed a sheep girl her fur will become say we were minty large nishy then the sheep would become big momma sheep with fur flavored like a editable mint cotton candy
you could go wild with the flavors to give the game more dynamics as well as filling the wants of people who want larger members and even a large nishy
if you also wanted to you could go one step farther and make a mommy nishy like a bimbo mommy nishy and keep her smaller form for her smaller member
Interesting concept, thnx for sharing so many details, i'll add this to the ideas list (i'll get into more details when i'll get to new features for ep2 ).
P.S.: Big and small Nishy ability reminded me of Nezuko for some reason >.<
you could also make nishys adult form very ara ara if you know what i mean
im thinking maybe current nishy is 18 young and it explains the decent change in size her current form is 18 and the larger mommy version would be saw 60 years old with big ara ara energy and a very lewd mind like the nishy we know and love she would maybe be much more shy when shes younger but with the ability to just instantly age up to 60 she would be much more experienced and in turn
hmm so idk if i should go this detailed but my thought here is with the new ara ara style nishy maybe mobs instead of wanting to dom nishy will sorta lay back and beg to be dommed idk if thats something that interests you
sort like the size maters to the mobs so small nishy will always be semi forced but large mommy nishy would be the forcer not litteraly forcer but more domination
idk if you would be interested but what if nishy gained the ability to shape shift
like we still had the time warp but shapeshifting could open up some lewd storys among the other people
like maybe nishy changes into the clothes maker and trys to lewd the farmer girl
she ends up gaining more skills in her adult form so if you used the adult form mixed with ss you could dominate the farmer girl making her want to breed with the clothes lady and making these two fall in love
if you use futa nishy tho it will make them relise that nishy did it as such they both meet you and punish you to teach nishy a leason of not using others likeness
but if nishy goes none futa then they fall in love and nishy no get punished
"hmm so idk if i should go this detailed but my thought here is with the new ara ara style nishy maybe mobs instead of wanting to dom nishy will sorta lay back and beg to be dommed idk if thats something that interests you
sort like the size maters to the mobs so small nishy will always be semi forced but large mommy nishy would be the forcer not litteraly forcer but more domination" :
nice idea, the parasite virus if controlled (probably by spirit), could potentially allow nishy to change body type from what each of them would consider the most h potent form (one considers default size, thoe other milf type). I consider this.
"shape shift" :
that might be a bit too advanced magic, maybe some other A Rank or higher fapet/elf. As for Nishy, maybe a hypnosis or possession ability which would give you control over another character for limited time to play tricks on others. About TC and Black, i might do a sidestory (probably another smaller game) telling their story.
yes, i assume they considered some aspect unacceptable for their platform (maybe a character looks too young or stallion and hound animations or something else). Sadly, without explaining their reason i cannot fix and resubmit.
- the game is not compatible with Android system (most of keybindings are hardcoded, shaders are based on PC shader model and performance is barely sustainable on PC). The only possible way in present to get this game on a handheld device is thru cloud gaming, which i have no connection to (no idea if they even support 18+ games). In conclusion, sorry but even if i'd want to i can't
- credit card payments are open until tomorrow (16-17 jan).
p.s: My other games are compatible with android systems, feel free to check them out ;)
My consciousness is that I don't want to have a decryption strategy for my underground decryption. The decryption is the underground decryption at the beginning of the plot
Please tell me, I'm following the plot (I reached the opening of the bar) and periodically over the days the pets disappeared, the hearts before going to bed are not empty, maybe they need to be fed or something else, or their should not be left outside and stored only in the nest?
From my experience of making NISHY pregnant in FREEMODE, NISHY can't give birth to FAPET, and one of the eggs will become unhatchable (failure) and the other one will become a tentacle RAPE NISHY.
I'd like to ask the original author for the correct answer.
@Ayasenanako , @MartPriest I confirm that these answers are correct, Nishy cannot bear a fapet child because of her parasite infection (which happens on first chapter of story, this also being the cause of her body adapting for oversized and more hardcore h poses).
Hello. I wanna ask when i can turn on Futa mode in story? I’m more interested in futa stuff so I just want know if I can turn on futa mode all time or just some scenes? Thank you’
- [Story] : is unlocked only for a certain sequence in the story, not available for the rest (she is still to learn how to do that in Episode 2 or further).
- [Free mode] (unlocked after completing story Black's Barn quest) :
is unlocked after SB Reputation reaches 100, can be checked in Quests Book (TAB > SB Popularity quest, at rewards), also current sb reputation can be seen above slavebar or in Quest Book (left side above the day / month..). Offering free milk cups and doing slut job are the fastest way to increase sb reputation. (after unlocking) it can be triggered On / Off by tapping F key on the keyboard
- [Free Mode events] : at every last week of in-game month (about from 20'th day) a special event becomes available for a limited time access. The 4'th special event buffs futa mode with extra limited time hardcore animations (can be seen on pre-last screenshot from the main post above, where in right bottom corner is written Futanari, only that there's no censoring ;) )
That's very strange, what you have described bellow does sound like corrupted files. I recommend following the steps bellow :
1. Redownload the game
2. Place the archive in a drive with enough space (at least 4 gb free)
3. Use 7zip to unzip , selecting unzip here (so that it doesn't cache them in C: drive)
If there are still errors you could try disabling any antivirus software (although this was never needed before, and the archive was not modified for more then a year).
The gameplay should look like in Gameplay vids (can be seen above in main post), if it looks different then there has to be some errors.
is your character not supposed to be rendered properly at the start of story and why can you barely see menu text. I have noticed that the torches are not lit. The text messages are missing and meshes are missing
Hi, I'm in situation where I'm stuck right across the Mofu Bridge in story mode. I somehow went pass the barrier right the middle of bridge, and now I'm unable to go back. Is there any way to fix this and continue with the story?
2. Send the save files over to me for fixing : Tap F11 while in story mode (at the issue point) > copy the generated bug report (from the game’s folder) and email it to me
3. Use a completed game's save file +Theater mode , however you'll lose any of your personal achivements
Also, i would appreciate a detailed description of how this happened ? (in order to reproduce the bug and fix it for future)
1. use the Book (opens by pressing TAB key on keyboard), then (while current story quest is selected) press enter > Nishy will turn towards the target position + you will be able to see a big blue beam from that spot.
2. when near the item : crouch (by pressing/holding C key) and Interact (click Left mouse button or tap Enter key)
Okay I thought that was wrong. Well okay, what is it made with? because I noticed that games made with renpy which I don't know to well, always get false alerts. I just thought I asked before I try it out.
Thank you, is it normal when it ask me if I still want to download it, because it can't scan it for viruses because it's to big? I don't remember having used a google drive link yet.
The game is made with Unity engine (i have no idea why you are getting the virus scan part, if you mean the google drive scan then they do that automatically, most of things are labeled as can't be scanned).
'works with itch io app' : probably not, because it is a zip archive containing PC version and 3 phone apk versions (performance and compatibility based)
Uhm thank you, but this time I meant if I can use the game with the Itch.io app somehow, but well...I guess I should rather ask if I can expect to be able to download the game with the app at some point.
I guess I slowly start to get the picture and used to Itch.io a bit.
From what i'm aware both demo and final version on Itch.io are to be downloaded then extracted on local drive and played via launching the exe file (or apk install on phone). I was unable to get the zip to work straight from the Itch io app, maybe if they made some updates from the last time i tested. Also, there might be a way to register the game into the itch io app after it's installed (unzipped), i recommend checking the itch io support forum (https://itch.io/board/24575/butler)
DLsite version (demo and final) : can only be downloaded then unzipped and played.
Hello, how do we open the chest in front of the blacksmith in the free mode ? Also have you think about taming little fapet like the fairy ( i don t know if we already can) and we them boost thing or create a new type of milk?
It is planned that Nishy would mind switch with more fapet types visiting their according lairs.
"speak to them" : generally speaking, talking with them is only available while mind-switched. But their Queen should be able to talk aswell, hopefully
"tame them" : that's a maybe. Most of the times you'll meet those chars outside of the lair (like the hoodie 2 colored hair bunny girl, Yuri if i'm not mistakening, later seen 'working' with barmen on the beach (in free mode's summer event) ).
OK. Have you thought of implanting the event in free mode in the acual map and not just taking a teleporter and expand more the map and his fapet maybe?
Teleporters are used for summer and winter specials, you must be referring to one of those.
They are too far to reach by walk, also the new areas might have new fapets. In other words, the player will be able to get to those once the overall map is more complete. For now, these are sneak peaks of new areas ;)
← Return to game
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Character is following the camera automatically is it a Bug?
If I'm guessing correctly, that happens when you Press Z and tries to walk backwards. Try pressing Z again, and orbiting the mouse. Also see if the Free camera mode is not activated (look for an Eye on your right screen), if it is, try pressing F3 twice or Alt once. Also pressing F5 tends to fix random things happening with the camera
Ill give it a try when i get home thanx for such a fast response
Think my game is bugged. Have the bunny following me, but can't sleep when I interact with the bed. Also, before that, I spent a long time wondering where to get carrots to lure her back to the bed. The ones behind the house disappear once you tame the bunny. The way I worked around it was pulling them all out and throwing them on the ground before taming the bunny, but it doesn't seem this is how it should work. Can you help?
In order to make a Fapet follow you, you first need to start a Hact with said Fapet (interact to have sex).
After this, hold the number 0 to stop the Hact (a withe bar will appear and must be filled). This way the Bunny will count as follower, and sleeping on the bed should be available as part of the script.
If you still cannot sleep on the bed, try pressing F5 and try again after getting a little far from it, otherwise, try restarting the game.
And, to see if you have a "Fapet Follower" look under your Stamina Counter, it appears as a strong yellow circle with a number. Also, the carrot chasing is just part of a Sex interaction, not the actual following
Is there a cheat menu or developer mode in the game? If so, how do I activate it?
There is no dev/cheat menu or popup, however there are game codes (which you just type in while in game Free Mode). Game codes can be found in spinoff games (Sb Birthday and Orks BBC).
How do I slove the puzzle??
- Walkthru for solving first puzzle can be watched in the gameplay videos above
- For the Golden bunny statue : copy the numbers seen on the ground and search on google ASCII to Text, then in any of the websites paste the numbers as ASCII code to get the final code
Hi, I bought the game to support you. But I feel the story mode is too slow pieced, and sometimes with pink color that might hurt eyes if stay too long (still related to slow pieced progress). Hope in early stage of story mode, user can interact to boost the progress, thanks.
If you're using translator i recommend deepl.com ;)
"story mode is too slow pieced" : if you mean the 'Story Mode' progression, i'd say it's ok, leveling up stats is also more or less ok. If you desire a faster access to all features i recommend trying 'Free Mode'.
Yet from the rest of the context i'm assuming you meant Nishy's walk speed while taming the bunny. There will be an easier way to tame wild creatures after you progress closer to the end of the game. As for now i can only recommend: keeping shift key down and going into white orbs, and strategically taming creatures near green totems.
"pink color that might hurt eyes if stay too long" : i think you mean the diamond indicator above bunny's head which is flashing pink. I am usually not even seeing that part since i keep walking rapidly (with shift key pressed) and it the indicator is not in the camera. I'll give it some thought, thnx
P.S.: I don't know how it was translated, i did not mean anything rude or personal
Hi my fps is locked at 60fps is there a way to unlock it? or is it locked for animations purposes?
The best option would be to use third party tools, such as Radeon Software
Beware that the game was optimized for 60 fps, a higher framerate could potentially cause additional bugs (i think it's mostly passing thru objects, not tested).
hey have you made anything new nymphokyun or you working on new games/content
For the last months (up until present) i was focused on SB update content. Before that, i was working on Blondie BBC (new game), yet had to pause the development until the SB Update is published.
I do have some ideas for new games (smaller then SB -.- ), yet we'll see about those after i finish current scheduled ones
Hi when is the release of the next update? The game is really good.
Hello, thank you for enjoying this game :3 .
I am currently working on the update, hopefully until the end of february, if the work won't be completed by that point then a small delay of several weeks may happen aswell (i would strongly rather not have any more delays tho T^T )
can you pls add more beast content or tentacles? i'm waiting for new update btw, great game
Well that is not planned specifically, however the new update includes Fairy x Stallion and Fairy x Hound animations. Actually, most of fairy anims might look a bit hardcore because of the size difference which might catch your interest aswell ;)
Thank you, i'm glad you like the game ^.^
well i'm hoping for more in the future, ty for created such a great game
"hoping for more in the future" : sure thing ^.-
"ty for created such a great game" : thank you for enjoying your time while playing this game :)
Those beast sneak-peek on your website were so good~
I'm interested to see how the FutaFairy x Female will be
Actually for some poses there are FutaFemale (Nishy) x Fairy and FutaFemale x FutaFairy, but i'll leave those as a surprise for now ^.-
Can you add credit card option? PayPal banned me without a reason last month and is taking forever to appeal my account.
Yes, Credit card option is now available until 31 January
This looks good only from the video linked in here :) how heavy is the demo by the way? It’ll probably take a long time to download so I just wanna know
1. I'm glad that you like the game trailer, and i hope you'll have an enjoyable time playing the game aswell ^.- . Be aware that demo doesn't have all the things from the video trailer (all of them are from full version).
2. Demo (archived to download) ~ 1.2 Gb (it's via GoogleDrive, should be fast enough)
Demo (unarchived to play) ~ 2.5 Gb
Full game (archived to download) ~ 2.1 Gb (direct from itch.io)
Full game (unarchived to play) ~ 3.6 Gb
*Most of the filesize boost is because of the translations -.-
hola what 14.99 --> 200k vip play yo sexy hentai R18+ youtube 18+ on vs si pixiv ?
Why no credit card option?
If required i can open credit card payments on 30 until 31 january
hey whats the reason you dont just leave cc open by the way ive never seen a dev not want to use cc as most people dont really have any other options as paypal isint really used by normal people
A few reasons :
1. Itch.Io are recommending the direct payment (which is Paypal), from some informational sources they are force switching creators from their own collected to direct (mostly about nsfw creators).
2. Currently if i switch to itch.io's credit card payment the transactions will cost around 50% of the payment, and the creator will get only half of the user contribution, so that's very uncomfortable. As middle ground, i suggest to everyone to ask for credit card transactions and i will open up days for those (as long as itch won't have anything against this).
Credit card option is now available until 31 January
i just set up paypal. I wanted you to get the most amount of $$. Game's amazing <3
Thnx, i'm glad you like this game. Feel free to check SlaveBar aswell (the parent story of this game), it's only on PC tho
P.S. Another game in this style will come in near future (until summer)
got any plans for a sb e2
also id like to make a suggestion
maybe we could open up a bar like we have now
but with 2 new extentions
casino where our little bean can get some pimp outfit be all like
ya i smash dem hoes and i also make money while doing it
as well as a new area for customers to breed the girls
1 other thing i can think of is flavors so we could get a garden and have things like mints and other such
- i have various ideas for episode 2, yet i'm always accepting new ones ;)
- "casino" : there will be a night club in mofu town (nor owned by Nishy) which would have a similar atmosphere. However, for another town/kingdom it would pretty nice, thnx.
- "garden" : interesting, altough this feature must have some h to it for Nishy to bother with such. Also i'm not sure on how good our airhead will be with flowers...maybe some tentacle like flowers which would require 'milk' as their main nutrient. If done, i'd rather have an NPC with it's thing for this (like Horny and her Mill).
maybe we can have miss nishy gain a new power that makes her have the ability to mutate the mobs into flavors
so we gain each flavor by learning about it in the world maybe we learn about mint thru the cow girl and she shows nishy how its made and then nishy will get teleported to that dick room at the start of the game but its a new room with many sizes and many diffirent flavors
this would also allow you to introduce larger versions of nishy for larger sized members and also make a gameplay system
large means more spread but less effective
smaller is more effective but less spread
the larger members are ment to be used to mass fill a drink order and for more rich people our nishy can change to a smaller form
the mobs come in as they can make crops nishys body will only make a none pure version of each flavor so for those who are EXTREMLY rich like kings queens eta they can order a garden mix
the mobs after breeding with nishy gain her abilitys so if we breed a sheep girl her fur will become say we were minty large nishy then the sheep would become big momma sheep with fur flavored like a editable mint cotton candy
you could go wild with the flavors to give the game more dynamics as well as filling the wants of people who want larger members and even a large nishy
if you also wanted to you could go one step farther and make a mommy nishy like a bimbo mommy nishy and keep her smaller form for her smaller member
this would also cross over for breasts size
Interesting concept, thnx for sharing so many details, i'll add this to the ideas list (i'll get into more details when i'll get to new features for ep2 ).
P.S.: Big and small Nishy ability reminded me of Nezuko for some reason >.<
you could also make nishys adult form very ara ara if you know what i mean
im thinking maybe current nishy is 18 young and it explains the decent change in size her current form is 18 and the larger mommy version would be saw 60 years old with big ara ara energy and a very lewd mind like the nishy we know and love she would maybe be much more shy when shes younger but with the ability to just instantly age up to 60 she would be much more experienced and in turn
hmm so idk if i should go this detailed but my thought here is with the new ara ara style nishy maybe mobs instead of wanting to dom nishy will sorta lay back and beg to be dommed idk if thats something that interests you
sort like the size maters to the mobs so small nishy will always be semi forced but large mommy nishy would be the forcer not litteraly forcer but more domination
idk if you would be interested but what if nishy gained the ability to shape shift
like we still had the time warp but shapeshifting could open up some lewd storys among the other people
like maybe nishy changes into the clothes maker and trys to lewd the farmer girl
she ends up gaining more skills in her adult form so if you used the adult form mixed with ss you could dominate the farmer girl making her want to breed with the clothes lady and making these two fall in love
if you use futa nishy tho it will make them relise that nishy did it as such they both meet you and punish you to teach nishy a leason of not using others likeness
but if nishy goes none futa then they fall in love and nishy no get punished
"hmm so idk if i should go this detailed but my thought here is with the new ara ara style nishy maybe mobs instead of wanting to dom nishy will sorta lay back and beg to be dommed idk if thats something that interests you
sort like the size maters to the mobs so small nishy will always be semi forced but large mommy nishy would be the forcer not litteraly forcer but more domination" :
nice idea, the parasite virus if controlled (probably by spirit), could potentially allow nishy to change body type from what each of them would consider the most h potent form (one considers default size, thoe other milf type). I consider this.
"shape shift" :
that might be a bit too advanced magic, maybe some other A Rank or higher fapet/elf. As for Nishy, maybe a hypnosis or possession ability which would give you control over another character for limited time to play tricks on others. About TC and Black, i might do a sidestory (probably another smaller game) telling their story.
can you pls add more beast content or tentacles? i'm waiting for new update btw, great game
Hope to see an update sooner
the update should be finished until winter, hopefully sooner tho. Once all is ready and tested i'll publish it ;)
is there word on episode 2?
not much, just the update (which should be finished, until winter, hopefully sooner tho. Once all is ready and tested i'll publish it ;) )
well this game come to steam?
Steam rejected this game, no reason was specified. Sorry
oh man that sucks doesn’t make sense because steam has a lot of porn games on it
yes, i assume they considered some aspect unacceptable for their platform (maybe a character looks too young or stallion and hound animations or something else). Sadly, without explaining their reason i cannot fix and resubmit.
your problem right because steam is a big platform and for that is probably a copyright reason but I don’t know why they never got a reason
Can you bring it out for Android
And make credit card possible?
- the game is not compatible with Android system (most of keybindings are hardcoded, shaders are based on PC shader model and performance is barely sustainable on PC). The only possible way in present to get this game on a handheld device is thru cloud gaming, which i have no connection to (no idea if they even support 18+ games). In conclusion, sorry but even if i'd want to i can't
- credit card payments are open until tomorrow (16-17 jan).
p.s: My other games are compatible with android systems, feel free to check them out ;)
Hello. Can I ask if the game is still censored here like on the DL site?
- The censorship can be easily removed on DLSite version :
Censorship removal hack : rename or remove “cens.dat” file (SlaveBar_Data/cens.dat)
- This (itch.io) version is uncensored by default
Nice! Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, I can't use PayPal
I could open credit card payments around 15 january if that's ok
yes thanks
Sorry for the delay, i have opened credit card payments until tomorrow (16 to 17 january)
For the golden bunny code its - Futa
Is there a way to pay with a credit card PayPal doesn't work for me?
Hello, the credit card payment is open until tomorrow (8 january 2024 until 9 january 2024)
Thank you and good luck with episode 2
Can anyone give me a tutorial video? I can't understand it at all. Thank you
Here you can find a walkthrough video of the first parts of the Story Mode 👌
Help me, I'm stuck in the dungeon puzzle. Please tell me the decryption method
Try this website : http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/ascii/
(or any other which converts ASCII to text)
1. make sure to select convert Ascii to text
2. type in numbers you find on the floor (in-game), then check the corresponding letters.
Example: writing "070" should give "F" letter, and so on
Good luck ;)
My consciousness is that I don't want to have a decryption strategy for my underground decryption. The decryption is the underground decryption at the beginning of the plot
Please tell me, I'm following the plot (I reached the opening of the bar) and periodically over the days the pets disappeared, the hearts before going to bed are not empty, maybe they need to be fed or something else, or their should not be left outside and stored only in the nest?
Yes, Fapets needs food in order to keep existing. It refills their "Essence" bar (the red heart).
There are only two ways to lose a Fapet:
-Essence gets lower than 0.
-They are outside your nest, and they flee.
More information, Book (TAB) > Essence
How is progress on episode 2?
It is a bit slow, sadly not much to show.
Hello, thank you for the time and interest offered for this project.
Credit card payments are opened on request for 1 day usually (last time was a week or two ago).
I have opened the credit card payments, it will be available until tomorrow (15 dec 2023).
Question about pregnancy. Can Nisha be impregnated if so is story progress required?
From my experience of making NISHY pregnant in FREEMODE, NISHY can't give birth to FAPET, and one of the eggs will become unhatchable (failure) and the other one will become a tentacle RAPE NISHY.
I'd like to ask the original author for the correct answer.
Indeed, Nishy can only be impregnated on Free Mode, but she will not bear a Fapet nor a Human offspring.
The main reason is explained when Yuri meets the Parasite Lamia at the beginning of the game
@Ayasenanako , @MartPriest I confirm that these answers are correct, Nishy cannot bear a fapet child because of her parasite infection (which happens on first chapter of story, this also being the cause of her body adapting for oversized and more hardcore h poses).
I hope this helps ;)
Hello. I wanna ask when i can turn on Futa mode in story? I’m more interested in futa stuff so I just want know if I can turn on futa mode all time or just some scenes? Thank you’
Hello, about Futa Mode :
- [Story] : is unlocked only for a certain sequence in the story, not available for the rest (she is still to learn how to do that in Episode 2 or further).
- [Free mode] (unlocked after completing story Black's Barn quest) :
is unlocked after SB Reputation reaches 100, can be checked in Quests Book (TAB > SB Popularity quest, at rewards), also current sb reputation can be seen above slavebar or in Quest Book (left side above the day / month..). Offering free milk cups and doing slut job are the fastest way to increase sb reputation. (after unlocking) it can be triggered On / Off by tapping F key on the keyboard
- [Free Mode events] : at every last week of in-game month (about from 20'th day) a special event becomes available for a limited time access. The 4'th special event buffs futa mode with extra limited time hardcore animations (can be seen on pre-last screenshot from the main post above, where in right bottom corner is written Futanari, only that there's no censoring ;) )
Cheers ^.^
thank for your answer! Ima wait for episode 2 came out then ima try both ^^
sure thing + a bonus one ^.^
also how do I enter toilets they kick you out
Story Mode : they unlock as you progress thru the story (At the Black's Delivery Quest)
Free Mode : toilets unlock after progressing on main quests (check the quests and their rewards in [TAB] Book)
Cheers ^.-
many thanks
Note that the demo version of the game works but when I download the full version i get errors and corrupt files messages
That's very strange, what you have described bellow does sound like corrupted files. I recommend following the steps bellow :
1. Redownload the game
2. Place the archive in a drive with enough space (at least 4 gb free)
3. Use 7zip to unzip , selecting unzip here (so that it doesn't cache them in C: drive)
If there are still errors you could try disabling any antivirus software (although this was never needed before, and the archive was not modified for more then a year).
The gameplay should look like in Gameplay vids (can be seen above in main post), if it looks different then there has to be some errors.
I hope this helps,
thanks that worked
is your character not supposed to be rendered properly at the start of story and why can you barely see menu text. I have noticed that the torches are not lit. The text messages are missing and meshes are missing
When I extract the file with winrar all I get is an error message
Hi, I'm in situation where I'm stuck right across the Mofu Bridge in story mode. I somehow went pass the barrier right the middle of bridge, and now I'm unable to go back. Is there any way to fix this and continue with the story?

Available solutions :
1. Load backup saved file : [Esc] Pause Popup > Select Backup Load
2. Send the save files over to me for fixing : Tap F11 while in story mode (at the issue point) > copy the generated bug report (from the game’s folder) and email it to me
3. Use a completed game's save file +Theater mode , however you'll lose any of your personal achivements
Also, i would appreciate a detailed description of how this happened ? (in order to reproduce the bug and fix it for future)
where are the items i need to find for the girl that you meet right after the first forest? i cant find them for some reason
1. use the Book (opens by pressing TAB key on keyboard), then (while current story quest is selected) press enter > Nishy will turn towards the target position + you will be able to see a big blue beam from that spot.
2. when near the item : crouch (by pressing/holding C key) and Interact (click Left mouse button or tap Enter key)
Feel free to check the walkthru video :
Where are the game saves located?
Had to get a new drive and didnt want to lose my progress.
Saves folder :
[WindowsDrive] \ Users \ [current user] \AppData\LocalLow\NymphoKyun\SlaveBar
example :
Thank you so much!
does the demo link not work correctly? I didn't wanted to try out more for now.
Just checked and it works correctly : redirecting to google drive where you can download the archive with the game.
In case the link doesn't work for some reason, try playing the trial from the Dlsite (the demo is the same on both sites) : https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ381390.html
Okay I thought that was wrong. Well okay, what is it made with? because I noticed that games made with renpy which I don't know to well, always get false alerts. I just thought I asked before I try it out.
Thank you, is it normal when it ask me if I still want to download it, because it can't scan it for viruses because it's to big? I don't remember having used a google drive link yet.
Hey does the main game work with the Itch.io app?
The game is made with Unity engine (i have no idea why you are getting the virus scan part, if you mean the google drive scan then they do that automatically, most of things are labeled as can't be scanned).
'works with itch io app' : probably not, because it is a zip archive containing PC version and 3 phone apk versions (performance and compatibility based)
Sorry for the late reply, cheers
Uhm thank you, but this time I meant if I can use the game with the Itch.io app somehow, but well...I guess I should rather ask if I can expect to be able to download the game with the app at some point.
I guess I slowly start to get the picture and used to Itch.io a bit.
From what i'm aware both demo and final version on Itch.io are to be downloaded then extracted on local drive and played via launching the exe file (or apk install on phone). I was unable to get the zip to work straight from the Itch io app, maybe if they made some updates from the last time i tested. Also, there might be a way to register the game into the itch io app after it's installed (unzipped), i recommend checking the itch io support forum (https://itch.io/board/24575/butler)
DLsite version (demo and final) : can only be downloaded then unzipped and played.
I hope this helps
Hello, I cannot pass the part where it asks for ASCII password, what should I do?
Try this website : http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/ascii/
(or any other which converts ASCII to text)
1. make sure to select convert Ascii to text
2. type in numbers you find on the floor (in-game), then check the corresponding letters.
Example: writing "070" should give "F" letter, and so on
Good luck ;)
Thank you
Hello, how do we open the chest in front of the blacksmith in the free mode ? Also have you think about taming little fapet like the fairy ( i don t know if we already can) and we them boost thing or create a new type of milk?
"chest in front of the blacksmith" : it cannot be opened in current version (nothing inside so far)
"taming little fapet like the fairy" : might appear SB's winter update
"we them boost thing or create a new type of milk" : not sure about those, we'll see after the update ;)
OK. Also can we in the future, in free mode go to caves and speak/tame the fapet in it, and maybe those in their heir?
I assume you're referring to Bunnies Lair.
It is planned that Nishy would mind switch with more fapet types visiting their according lairs.
"speak to them" : generally speaking, talking with them is only available while mind-switched. But their Queen should be able to talk aswell, hopefully
"tame them" : that's a maybe. Most of the times you'll meet those chars outside of the lair (like the hoodie 2 colored hair bunny girl, Yuri if i'm not mistakening, later seen 'working' with barmen on the beach (in free mode's summer event) ).
OK. Have you thought of implanting the event in free mode in the acual map and not just taking a teleporter and expand more the map and his fapet maybe?
Teleporters are used for summer and winter specials, you must be referring to one of those.
They are too far to reach by walk, also the new areas might have new fapets. In other words, the player will be able to get to those once the overall map is more complete. For now, these are sneak peaks of new areas ;)